Discover SOMARA’s areas of expertise

Harbour Assistance
Tous nos services de remorquage portuaire sont sujets à nos Conditions Générales de Remorquage Portuaire lesquelles ont été déposées auprès de la Capitainerie du Port de Fort de France.

With our own equipment (which includes a deadweight 6500 MT deck barge and a Multicat), or by leasing additional equipment available in the Region, we provide tailor made services, from cargo lightering operations to transport of oversized cargoes, providing river crossing operations, etc…

SOMARA has acquired a substantial experience, both with regional and international clients, by providing towage services, whether coastal or long range.

Terminal Operations
We provide on demand tug services to the oil terminals of the region: the Statia Terminal of Sint Eustacius and the Buckeye St Lucia terminal.

Wreck Removal
With ou team of diver and all our equipment, we specialize in wreck removal, in particular in very shallow waters.


Salvage – Emergency response
All our tugs are manned on a 24 hours/365 days basis and are available to react rapidly for any Emergency Response.
Although we have an in-house expertise, we can also benefit from the assistance of internationally known and independent Salvage Masters.
We maintain a substantial list of salvage equipment, either on board the tugs or at our base, in Fort de France.
SOMARA’s frequent assistances for emergencies and casualties have enabled the company to become a recognized Salvor in the Caribbean basin.
We provide assistance in case of casualties as contractor, co-contractor or sub-contractor.
We have a “can do” culture and mentality.